Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Quirks of Online Communication


 Netiquette is defined as the rules or code for the proper manner and good behavior on the Internet. In very simple words the dos and don'ts for internet. 

According to Virginia Shea the author of the book "Netiquette" there are 10 core rules which need to be known and followed by everyone going Online. The rule which I am going to mostly emphasize on this blog is :

Make yourself look good online

The Internet makes it incapable for people to judge others by their Physical structures but however, people do judge others by the quality of their writing. Even if you are not sitting face to face but there are also rules of manners in a message. To follow this rule of Netiquette we should improve our writing quality. We should be careful of making any spelling mistakes, we should check for the grammatical error before sending a message or posting anything on the internet. Posting something which makes sense, not only to us but also to all the viewers out there on the internet or else what even the point of posting it online if others cannot understand. Its always better to keep the message short and accurate like to write about the actual point of the topic rather than beating the bush around it, and one of the most important guidelines is write the whole sentence rather than writing in the short form, For instance: Hru (How are you?) many people will gets confused by this short form and its not a good practice to make yourself look good.

Personal Experience: A few years ago one of my friends used the short forms to give me an important message and I didn't understand it rather skipped it thinking typing error almost caused me skipping an exam. Besides that, in day to day life, most people keep using these short forms which leads to another question in any conversation and then they need to explain again.

In conclusion, I would say Netiquette is really important for us to have a decent and healthy Internet Environment.

Some more examples


Sunday, March 22, 2020

IT, Risks and Ergonomics

Evolution of  Science and Technology has been making human lives easier on day to day basis. Ergonomics is basically a study on how the arrangement should be made or how a design should be developed in a way that the interaction between the user and the system is efficient and it has easy usability. The Importance of Ergonomics is immense in light of the product development process.

In this blog, I am going to talk about two very simple bad and good ergonomic examples respectively.

Good one:

Automatic Door is a very simple but good example of ergonomic design. It is very user friendly and the benefits are countless. It opens automatically by sensing the approach of any person, there is no possibility of these doors being left open solving the issue of keeping out the cold, wind and rain. These are also very helpful for everyone including an elderly or person in a wheelchair/driving a mobility scooter. 

 Bad one:

Pedestrian Countdowns which are supposed to reduce accidents are in fact increasing it to some extent. One of the big reasons is motorists who see there is a little amount of time to cross the intersection and speed up.


Paper review of "The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars" - Mikhail Drobyshev

This paper is about Ethical and Moral issues of Self Driven Cars. This topic is really mesmerizing to read as we all know how breathtaking ...