Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hackers.. ?

The blog describes the hackers. The ideals of hackers described in the blog are:

Free access to computers

So, What is a hacker? By hacker, we know some random hooded bad guy who wants to hack into our computer to harass us. Well, it’s not true. Hackers are computer professionals with an innovative mindset and a passion for exploration. Our modern world of 2020 is an era of technology. It's an era of mass surveillance & censorship. We are not even sure about our privacy. All information is guided by authorities. So there are many practical applicability of the ideals of hackers.

Sharing means sharing with the general public in addition to sharing with other hackers. It can be software, program, information etc. One of the main points of being a hacker is an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Through Sharing, we help each other advance. We can learn from each other. In the modern world, sharing is easy. Through one share many can learn from it & develop our society.

Openness means freedom. It’s about the freedom to get information. All hackers promote freedom. In our modern world. We often don’t get actual information. Many of them get censored by authorities & they edit the info to their favor. Hackers can get actual info through hacking. But in our modern world, many hackers hack not for thirst of knowledge but for their selfish purposes. For that hacker got a bad reputation. For that in our modern world openness is good but if it's for a reasonable purpose.   

Decentralization is a way to promote the free exchange of information. It is to have an open system that presents no boundaries between a hacker and a piece of information. Through which they can promote themselves.Its a kind of hackers community.In the modern world through decentralization
We can promote many things & help each other through the system.

Free access to computers wasn’t available in the early years of the computer. Though in our modern world we have free access to the computer. With free access to the computer, people can make use of their creativity. They can learn & make many things through a computer which can be said a good way to promote oneself.

Many of the ideals of the hacker are now in practical use in our modern world of 2020 & it will advance furthermore. But nowadays many hackers forget their ideals & do what they want. For that, they have earned a bad reputation. But there are still hackers who follow the ideals to help the society.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Censorship, Privacy and Internet

Online Censorship

Online censorship is a way to control what can be viewed or published on the internet. Online censorship can vary on a country to country basis.People often look at the internet as free and public space but the vast majority of online space is privately owned. We need to be aware that censorship is not just something that happens in authoritarian regimes but actually occurs all over the world.

In the cases of online censorship, North Korea ranks among the top in the world. Full use of the global internet is not available in the country. only a small number of people can use them. Even then they are severely restricted. Many popular sites such as Facebook, Youtube & Twitter are all blocked. The foreigners are able to access the internet through a 3g network. But all the normal citizens can access online through Kwang Myong, a free public intranet with a limited number of sites & services. Kwang Myong is the main apparatus of the online censorship of North Korea. Kwangmyong is curated by the Korea Computer Center,The government controls all online media. Any news in the country released by the Korean central news agency. Even cell phone use in North Korea is also controlled by the government.phones are only used for domestic calls. They can't access the Internet or make overseas calls.

I think North Korea's way of restricting & censoring their citizens is more like a cult that forcefully brainwashed people around the country’s Supreme Leader. What do you think about it?

Online privacy

Privacy is the barrier that protects you from people doing things to you. It helps you maintain control of your personal information & online privacy is a level of privacy protection a person has online. In this digital age, privacy became harder to achieve.

One of the cases of online privacy, this case is about Uber Technologies. In August 2018 the FTC announced an expanded settlement for alleged failure to reasonably secure sensitive data in the cloud with Uber Technologies. Uber Technologies announced that hackers have stolen the personal information of about 57 million customers and drivers. In the press release, Uber Technology said that the stolen info included names and driver’s license numbers of around 600,000 drivers in the United States & other personal information of all 57 million Uber riders and drivers around the world including their names, email addresses and mobile phone numbers. To their defense, the company said two people who didn’t work for the company accessed the data on a third-party cloud-based service that Uber uses & that outside forensics experts have not seen evidence that the hackers accessed other types of information. Uber's failure to disclose a significant data breach that occurred in 2016.FTC investigated & settled provisions requiring Uber to disclose any future consumer data breaches & submit all reports forthird-party audits of Uber's privacy policy and retain reports on unauthorized access to consumer data.

Even though online privacy is our right in this ever-expanding digital age protecting them presents new challenges. Most importantly most of us actually don’t care enough about our online privacy but we should know that privacy is about the power we have the more power we have over our lives.  In this era of mass surveillance, this system is bound to be abused. We can stop all this from happening.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Professionalism - What is it?

IT Professionals of Bangladesh

During the beginning of 2000's owning a computer was thought to be very fancy and rich. Almost more than half of the Population didn't even know what a Computer is how our life could be so dependent on technology from dawn to dusk. After that due to the radical change in IT sector. IT courses got introduced in Universities and Organisations started to get digital from analog system.Hence, There were a huge demands of IT professionals. To fed the needs the Government introduced lots of IT education and Courses along side Information Communication educations got mandatory in schools for the Youths. 

We are country of huge population so there is always scarcity of Jobs doesn't matter which  professional background someone belongs to.  For this, desperate youths got themselves indulge with the freelancer market by gaining IT knowledge through various training ,diploma course or online courses. Bangladesh is a long-time leader in the freelance market. In 2019 Bangladesh was one of the top countries in Freelancer Market. In 2019, it recorded 27% revenue growth.  Low wages in Bangladesh make freelancing a very popular choice, since outsourced work provides financial security and independence for many who would have no other path to the same earning potential.  Freelancer opens doors for all the unemployed or job searching peoples of our country to have a career path and earn. They are gathering real life practical knowledge and skills and later many of them are opening their own IT business in the local area. Even though now we have thousands of peoples in the IT profession their is still development on the process.  

Turning Bangladesh into a digitally developed nation by 2021 was one of the main electoral pledges of the present government. This vision, widely known as ‘Digital Bangladesh’.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Fool Gets Beaten Even in Internet

Security is freedom, Security is safety. It's almost impossible to say we have an unbreakable Security System or we are about to get one in the near future. When it come to my hometown, Bangladesh is a very fast developing country with a population of over 180 million. In this blog we will be analysing about the security situation of Bangladesh with respect to the formula of "KELVIN MITNCK"(Wellkown Security Consultant and Author). Hence, Security comes from Technology, Training, and Policy.set procedures and requirements


As we speak of technology most people in Bangladesh don't even own a computer , Yes, It might sound shocking but it's true, there are so many people who don't have their personal computer. and for the other majority, people don't have any proper Anti-virus or Firewalls installed in their computer by default and most of the time they are falling on their own trap by downloading malware from an unauthorized source which is named as any random free Anti-virus app. Other technology risks are like Large amount of shared broadband network, A high number of free software and apps are used and many of them are pirated, large NATed Ip network and also huge peer to peer network user. Network security is also really low and often people are connecting themselves through open unsafe network connection which is very very vulnerable to Security Breach. Even in many companies and organizations.


CyberSecurity training is of crucial need, the internet user rate is increasing day by day but the users have no idea about the Security system. They know that they could be hacked but as there is lack of knowledge they don't know how, so they have no idea about the dos and don'ts. Social media security is the most vulnerable in Bangladesh and its because some amount of internet users are only using the internet for staying in social media and they are not aware of their security. They don't know about phishing attacks or which is a malicious link what to click or not. Due to lack of awareness people are often prey to Various types of Phishing & Scam attacks.
Recently mobile money transfer escalated at large rate which comes high level of risk.
For Instance, Bkash is a famous mobile banking company and hundreds of their customers got scammed over the phone when the attackers act to be calling from the Operating Office of the Mobile banking and ask there is a new update on security and they can do it remotely for you if you tell them your personal pin code and peoples actually felled for it and lost all their money. Besides this, a food delivery app without proper security checks also stoled data from the user's phone as they gave permission to their storage without even knowing what it could do


As it comes to my mind talking about the requirements and procedures is that. We need a high level of awareness and training seminars. People should have authorized Anti-Virus, Properly configured and patch operating system, browsers, and other software, regular update of firewalls, Protected access credentials, Security features in mobile phone should be properly introduced, People should be introduced to scam and other possible security risks  It should be made mandatory to all the organizations and companies that they should have a proper security policy.

Paper review of "The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars" - Mikhail Drobyshev

This paper is about Ethical and Moral issues of Self Driven Cars. This topic is really mesmerizing to read as we all know how breathtaking ...